Tallowood School

Creating pathways for life

Telephone02 9836 3810


Transition to Post School Life

Tallowood School is committed to helping families plan for the next steps once their child completes year 12. Along with the Itinerant Support Teacher Transition, this process begins for families in Year 9, and continues in Year 10, 11 & 12.

Year 9

An information pack is sent home to families outlining what to expect over the coming year. Families are invited to a Senior Information evening.

Families are encouraged to attend Post School Options Expo's to begin learning about what options are available.

Year 10

As each child turns 16, information is sent home about the Disability Support Pension and Pensioner Education Supplement.

The first Transition planning meeting occurs with the Itinerant Support Teacher Transition. This meeting is the first of 3, where we gather and share information about what to expect and how to plan for the transition phase.

Families are encouraged to attend the Senior Information night and the post school options expo's.

Year 11

Families are invited to their second Transition planning meeting. At this meeting, we update previously shared information and discuss plans for the transition phase and how NDIS can support this.

We continue to encourage families to attend the senior information night, attend expo's and visit post school options service providers to help in this planning.

Year 12

Families are invited to attend their third transition planning meeting. At this meeting, we make plans for transition to occur during year 12 and discuss how NDIS can support this.

Students begin transitioning to their post school service provider. 

Families can continue to attend expo's for further information.